Machine Design
Machine Design: An Integrated Approach, Sixth Edition
Author: Robert L. Norton, Milton P. Higgins II Distinguished Professor Emeritus Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Copyright 2014, 1120 pp.
ISBN 0-13-518423-1
Machine Design, An Integrated Approach, offers an up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of fatigue failure theory and machine element synthesis and analysis.
The book details the best analytical approaches to designing various elements, emphasizing practical computer-aided engineering solutions such as finite element analysis of stress and deflection. It equips students with the tools to apply this knowledge professionally.
The techniques are based on the author’s 50 years of machine design experience and his thorough understanding of the underlying theory, which he has gained from teaching this subject for over 30 years.
The book’s first part presents the fundamentals of design, materials, stress, strain, deflection, and failure theories, including an introduction to fracture mechanics. The second part discusses the design of specific elements such as springs, gears, and shafts but does so as integrated assemblies. Case studies emphasize how to design assemblies for high-cycle machines.
Each book includes 75 examples and 25 case study solutions. A CD-ROM with 1,000 case studies and sample problem solutions is included for hardcover book owners. All solutions are compatible with Excel, MATLAB, Mathcad, and TKSolver.
What users say about the book:
“The book is one of the best-written on any engineering subject that I have come across. We switched to the book because we felt that the students would get a lot out of reading the text.”
-Professor Ed Howard, Milwaukee School of Engineering
“(The) writing is clear and meaningful, (and the) text is much more accessible to students because of the practical nature of (its) case studies and problem sets.”
-Professor Douglas Walcerz, York College of Pennsylvania
“I enjoy using your textbook for my class. This is the fourth time I am using it, and it has been a great help in combining the rigor of teaching mechanical design with the practical approach. Students like it a lot, and I will continue to use this book as long as I teach this course.”
-Professor Suresh G.K. Ananthasuresh
University of Pennsylvania
“…I’m doing my machine design homework now, and… your book is the single best text I have ever used in my educational career. It is straightforward, easy to understand and has good examples…”
-Josh, student, Colorado School of Mines
From reviews on
Norton is an awesome resource. For students going to college it may seem overwhelming. But it is the MOST up to date text on the market on the subject of Machine Design. While taking the PE exam I compared Shigley vs Norton on information, and Norton had all the answers. The author has done a monumental job in bringing the vast spectrum of Machine Design in a very well composed book. I have yet to come across a resource like Norton. In fact, I recommend this book to practicing engineers. Almost every section of the book has real world value. Its worth having on the shelf. I was always into Shigley but Norton is more in line with industry practice as opposed to academic excercises as presented by Shigley.
If you really want to learn and understand mechanical design, Mr. Norton is generous, he teaches everything there is to know. The chapters introduction it’s something beyond you can expect from an engineering book. You must have it…
This book is, without a doubt, the best text book I have ever purchased. The author is so clear. Information is presented in such a way that chapters may be read out of order, for the most part. The author provides more relevant support examples and sources than any author I have read, and he does so in a very fluid way. This book is easy to read. It provides all relevant mechanical design information in an extremely clear way. I would buy anything this author writes or recommends.

Machine Design has been translated into Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish.