Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 1st Ed (Portuguese) for Students
Access to this section of the site is limited to students who have purchased a copy of the book(s) listed above. It contains updated material and errata relevant to owners of the book. Evidence of ownership of the book will be requested.
Access to this section of the site is limited to students who have purchased a copy of the book(s) listed above. It contains updated material and errata relevant to owners of the book. Evidence of ownership of the book will be requested.
To register as a Student Software User, please supply the following information.
(Note that we do NOT accept free email addresses such as hotmail, gmail, yahoo, etc. )
You must supply your university email address with the suffix “.edu” or “.ac”.
You must also provide the complete name and address of your university, your professor’s full name (first and last) and his/her university email address.
We will verify you as a licensed user based on this information and email you a username and password to allow you access to upgrades.
This information will only be used by Norton Associates Engineering and will not be shared with any third parties.